Library Workshop : Not just identifiers: why Crossref DOIs are important
Library Workshop : Not just identifiers: why Crossref DOIs are important

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DOIs enable persistent linking to a piece of content, and an easy way for a publisher to update this if/when the content moves. Enabling others to persistently link to a piece of scholarly content, including in reference lists for example, makes the content easier to find, cite, link, assess, and reuse.

In this webinar we will cover:

• What DOIs are and how they work in combination with other metadata you can register at Crossref.
• What DOIs are not; we will debunk some myths and misconceptions about what a DOI can do.
• Who uses persistent identifiers and scholarly metadata, many more than you might expect!

This webinar will last 30 minutes including time for Q&A. We will share the recording and slides with registrants afterwards. This webinar will be presented in English.